The Casserole Dish Reviews

What a great story about fixing a home, a family and a neighborhood.

W, Amazon

An enjoyable read for a weekend curled up with a good book. The story is well written, flows smoothly and holds your attention. The characters are fun, easy to relate to and enjoyable to get to know. A nice romcom to escape every day life for a bit.

busymomof2, AMazon

OMG, what a great story. Totally loved the concept behind the "casa roll" idea. More people should do this in their own neighbor hoods.

cantputitdown, Amazon

The amount of love that so many have for others and yet fail to show themselves is amazing and this book highlights that so well! Lisa and Jackson's ability to heal and see past the hurts from others in so inspirational. I love the message in this truly timely tale!

Tracy, Amazon

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